
Just in case I might have been starting to think too much of myself after the last tale, N provided me with a little reality check the other morning.

Most mornings, he wakes up very early. By early, I mean around 5:45 to 6 am. Since I try to get up between 6 and 6:30, this is a bit of a pain. He basically wakes us up about 10 or 15 minutes before the alarm clock goes off. So a bit of a routine has been established. When he starts crying out, one of us gets him abd brings him back to our bed. He snuggles in and rests between us until we get up.

To be more specific, he snuggles with his momma and rests.

I am (mostly) okay with this. I mean she is, after all, the momma. Being momma brings certain advantages and snuggling preference is one of them. Still, there’s something very peaceful about having a two year old curl up to sleep on you.

The other morning momma woke up really early so she could take a walk before her day began. When N woke up about ten minutes later, I stuck to the routine. I brought him back to our bed. I was a bit worried that he might roll off, however. So I stacked the pillows on one side of the bed, put him next to them, and I stretched out on the other side, looking forward to some snoozin.

He immediately rolled over and cuddled with the pillows.


I understand losing out to momma – but to some pillows? That’s just not right.

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