Workin’ Momma

Weirdly, my switch to working out of my home office has caused the boys to become more aware of my work instead of less. In retrospect, this makes sense. Even though I see them more often, me being home and working upstairs keeps me much more in their awareness than when I was at an office.

The other day, I went down to greet them when they came home from school. We chatted a bit and had a snack – a great little break from my work day. Afterwards, I stood up to get back to work. “Great snack, guys! I’ve got to get back to work now.”

“No! Come see the building I made!”

“No! Watch my show!”

“Sorry guys, I’ve got to get back to work. I really do. I’ll see you at dinner.”

“Aw…”, the older said.

“Daddy,” the four year old asked. “Do you like work?”

“You know,” I said. “I do. I like my work. I like making games and web sites and writing… I’m lucky. I really do like my work. But I like playing with you guys too, so it’s hard to get back to work sometimes.”

“Daddy,” he replied. “When I’m a grown-up, I’m going to have the mommy work!”

Behind him, I saw his momma – who teaches at his school and was at her computer taking care of e-mails – stiffen. I smiled. “That’s a great idea, big guy. Get that momma to work.  Workin’ mommas, that’s a great idea!”

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up. “Yeah!”

“Momma already works,” my wife interrupted firmly, rising from her chair. “She works hard. Just ’cause I’m not upstairs, that doesn’t mean I’m not -”

The little guy looked back at her. His smile faded. He clearly did not understand what was going on.

“Sorry momma,” I interrupted with a broad smile. “I’ve got to get back to work now. Have fun PLAYING with the kids!”

Her eyebrows arched up to her hairline. She took a breath to respond – and then caught sight of her youngest son.  She let the breath out through a smile. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s let daddy get back to work. We’ve got some playing to do.”

“Yeah!” he shouted.

Heh, heh, heh. I’m going to pay for that one.

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