You May Leave

When the kids get up in the morning, they run to our room, climb into bed with us, and try to convince us to get up. At least that’s what they usually do. Sometimes, instead of trying to get us up, they’re still sleepy and prefer snuggling.

Being generally sleep deprived, I much prefer the snuggling to the waking up.

On those mornings when my wife takes the dogs out for an early walk, the snuggling is especially nice. This is not because we don’t like having her there, but because neither the boys nor I feel any particular anxiety about getting up. Snuggling is much more relaxing without momma’s recitation of all the things we have to do before school.

The other morning, our youngest joined us for some snuggle time. As he buried his head into my shoulder, his momma tickled him.

“Nooo” he groaned. “I’m sleepy!”

She tickled him again.

“Sto-op! I’m sleepy!”

“Oh, okay,” she said – and then tickled him again.

He lifted his head and looked at me, then rolled over and patted her shoulder very gently. “Momma,” he said. “You may take the dogs now.”


“It’s okay. You may leave.”

Heh, heh, heh.

Nice try, little guy. Nice try!

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