Open House

The kids (both of them) just recently started school again. You may remember C’s first day last year. This time, things weren’t so traumatic. Even his little brother had no problems starting.

Because they were starting in a new school, we went to its open house a few weeks back. An open house, for those that don’t know, is a scheduled time for the kids and parents to go check out the place and get comfortable with it. The idea is to introduce the new surroundings to the kids when they’re with their parents, rather than just tossing them into a new place with a bunch of strangers.

Unfortunately, the open house was scheduled during the workday.

That evening I asked them how it went. Momma was all a-bubble, talking about the classrooms, and the artwork, and the activities, and the teachers and the … Believe me, I could fill this page with the list.

C, on the other hand, chimed in with “Yeah, they have a really nice office!”


“Yeah, it’s really nice.”

Sigh. You know your kid is used to getting in trouble when the first thing he does is check out the office at his new school.

Still, I have to admire his foresight.

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