So the other evening, my youngest tapped my leg as I was getting his toothbrush for him. “Daddy? What’s your name?” “Daddy” “Oh. What’s Carter’s name?” Carter is a friend of theirs. Even if he wasn’t, I knew the answer to that question. “Carter.” “No, no, no!” he yelled. “There are two Carters! Two!” “Oh, okay. […]
Read MoreBoth of my kids are what you’d call “nice.” They try not to do mean things. If they see that another kid is hurt, they go check on him or her. One even stopped in the middle of a soccer game to check on one of his opponents that had tripped. When they see that […]
Read MoreWe ate lunch at Smokey Bones the other day. It’s a pretty good lunch place, but it’s filled with TV’s. Regardless of where you sit, you can see at least four different TVs. Usually, each of these is tuned to a different station. Adults can tune out the distractions easily enough, but it’s tough for a […]
Read MoreToday’s Tale is in the Chronicle. Click Here to Read It! Tips for Searchers: Groceries, grocery cart, shopping, bad, wins, car
Read MoreThe other day as we were driving back from church, our youngest called to me from the back seat. “Daddy,” “Yes?” “Today would be a bad day to die.” His mom and I looked at each other. “Yes,” I said. “Yes it would be.” She agreed with me. I believe this may now top my […]
Read MoreSomething about our trip to Texas left the boys unsettled. The night after we were back in our own house, our oldest woke us up in the middle of the night because he was having nightmares. We settled him down and took him back to bed. Two hours later he was back, and he returned […]
Read MoreWhen I was a kid, one of my most commonplace crimes was tilting my chair. I did it all the time, and got in trouble all the time – which didn’t dissuade me at all. To me, it was a question of mastering the difficult art of balancing on the back two legs of a […]
Read MoreFor the first time in a very long while, my wife and I were forced to leave the kids with relatives for a couple days. The back story there is long and tortuous, but it’s not important. What is important is that one morning found me saying goodbye to the kids and giving them those […]
Read MoreA few months back, when the kids were still going to school, I witnessed a rather bizarre exchange between my youngest son, who was three at the time, and his mother. I was eating breakfast at the time, and my wife was scurrying around trying to get a snack put together for the little guy’s […]
Read MoreToday’s tale is in the Chronicle. Click here to find it! Tips for searchers: Slushies, tiger, search, tonsils,
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