Too Much Poppins
This is an obscure one, unless you’ve watched Mary Poppins as much as we have. At one point during that movie, Mary and the kids all have to take their medicine. When Mary pours the medicine out of the bottle, it’s a different color and flavor for each person. The kids are startled and exclaim the flavors after they taste it (”Lime Cordial, Delicious!”, “Strawberry, Mmmm!”). Mary, of course, takes hers and then smiles with satisfaction: “Rum Punch!”
She rolls the “r” when she says it.
Okay, now that you’ve made it through all that setup, here’s the rather short tale…
A few weeks back we tried out a local restaurant (called El Potro) for dinner – very good food, provided by very friendly people. We all had a great time. At one point, however, a waiter came over to see if the boys needed a refill on their drinks. He asked them what they were drinking.
N took a sip from his straw and then stood up in his chair and said “R-r-r-r-r-um Punch!”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more confused waiter.
BAHAHAHAHAHA I think I would have spewed my drink across the table!