Volcano Dad

Now that my oldest has started answering the phone, I’ve started trying to trick him. Whenever he picks up, I use an accent to try to fool him into thinking I’m someone else.

When I called the other day, he turned the tables and answered the phone in his deepest, most booming voice, “Aloha!”

“Aloha,” I boomed back. I had planned on being a pirate, but, hey, I can improv. “”This is Volcano Dad calling for Island Momma. Is she there?”

“Volcano Dad?” he repeated, then, “I guess I better get her before you blow your top!”

…and all my improv skills went out the window. I had no response other than giggling.

“Got you, Dad!” he said.

“Yes,” I said. “Yes, you did.”

1 thoughts on “Volcano Dad

  1. Nana says:

    Oh my…and he is only NINE!

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