It’s not always easy being a daddy. Yes there are great moments, and the occasional low spots. I’m not talking about those. I’m talking about the really difficult times. Let me give you an example. I’m writing up this tale after having put the kids to bed. J is out tonight, so I’ve been flying solo. […]
Read MoreOne of the parental challenges that has surprised me is getting the boys to be willing to hold my hand. There are lots of situations where you need to have a hold of the little guys, and you really don’t want each of those to be a battle. C, as you may have guessed, tends […]
Read MoreI recently went to the birthday party of one of C’s friends. This was a fairly unusual party because they invited families. Most of the time, you only invite the child and whatever parent accompanies him. This isn’t being rude, it’s to keep things manageable. It’s much easier to throw a party for ten 2 […]
Read MoreAs most of you know, a couple of years ago Orlando was hit by 4 different hurricanes. It was an interesting time, to say the least. We were amazingly lucky. No one was hurt, and there was no damage to our property. One of the storms (I think it was the second one) was pretty much […]
Read MoreThis is a daddytale by proxy. It happened to J and she told it to me, and now I’m telling it to you. Yes, I realize it’s technically not a “daddy” tale, but it’s funny enough that I hope you’ll forgive the break in format… C is what I think of as “almost” potty trained. […]
Read MoreBack when C was in his early speaking stages, he went through a brief little phase where he was suspicious of everything we put on his plate. I’m not sure why, because he had a very wide range of things that he liked. In fact, J even fed him hummus once and he gobbled it […]
Read MoreSeveral of C’s friends and acquaintances are bi-lingual – speaking both English and Spanish. Even Madrina (one of his godmothers) speaks Spanish. I don’t. A few days ago, we were out and about when someone sneezed. Several people said “Bless you!” and I (as is my habit) said “Gesundheit!” Realizing that C probably had no […]
Read MoreOver New Year’s we had some friends over. They’re a couple that we’ve known for a long time, and we typically exchange “couple” gifts. This year, we made a mistake. They arrived at the house, we welcomed them in, and then handed each other our presents. C was very excited. He watched patiently as we […]
Read MoreOur swingset has a little wooden “fort” at the top of the slide which is about 5 feet long on a side. That’s plenty of room for a few little kids, or even two kids and one grown up. Two grown-ups and two children, however, is quite crowded. Consequently, C & I were in the […]
Read MoreOn Monday, we celebrated having the day off by taking a bike ride. We have one of those kiddie trailers attached to my bike, so the kids can ride along while we pedal. We rode out to a park, played in the park for a while, and then went to get some lunch. Lots of […]
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