C is one of those kids that likes to be active. Sightseeing is fine, as far as he’s concerned, as long as it is done at the same time that you’re doing something else – preferably something involving running, jumping, singing or dancing. So, on this past vacation when we rode on the riverboat in […]
Read MoreOur regular bedtime routine ends with me taking the N to bed. Over the months, this routine has evolved into a pretty well-defined thing. After we read Good Night Moon, I pick him up, turn off the night light, sing Rockabye, and then put him in his crib. I tuck the blanket around him and he […]
Read MoreOne of C’s closest friends is a girl who lives just up the street. They play together every chance they get, and one of their play activities is dress up. C has a whole bunch of costume type things that we’ve accumulated over the years: hats, old jackets, bits and pieces of halloween costume remnants, […]
Read MorePsst! Hey you! Yes, you! This tale is over at the Seminole Chronicle. Click here to go there. In the meantime, the keywords for this tale are Psst, Psssst, Mimi’s, and pudding. Enjoy!
Read MoreOne of the common topics of debate among 3 and 4 years olds is what they want to be when they grow up. Some want to be firemen, others astronauts, and so forth. I have stayed out of this particular discussion because I’m not sure I’m ready to hear the answer yet. After all, it […]
Read MoreDuring a slow moment during this past vacation, J decided to teach the boys a game. She put both hands behind her back and secretly hid a crumpled up napkin in one of them. Then she held both hands out in front of her, fists closed. “Pick!” C picked a hand, but it was the […]
Read MoreEvery other week, DaddyTales is carried in the Seminole Chronicle. Rather than duplicate what appears there, I just link to it. Here it is. Keywords for searchers: Alligator smile, moo, R.J. Gator’s. Enjoy!
Read MoreThe other day, J decided to teach the kids Rock, Paper, Scissors. This wasn’t just a whim. We were stuck at LenCrafters waiting for their computers to come back up so she could finish buying a pair of glasses. So she decided to try to teach Rock, Paper, Scissors. C’s almost 4 now, and it’s […]
Read MoreLike most parents, we are perpetually trying to get the kids to engage in dinner conversation. We try to get them to use table manners. We ask them about their day. We talk about our day. That sort of thing. The other day, J was trying to get N to tell me about his day. […]
Read MoreFew things are as satisfying as watching your toddler be fed a taste of his own medicine. The other day I was in the kitchen when I heard the two boys playing together. C wanted to pretend that he was the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and he wanted his little brother to join in […]
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