The other night was a rough one for the boys. It seemed like one or the other of them was waking us up every hour, scared by a nightmare. I have no idea why. We hadn’t watched any scary movies or read any scary books. There was no rain or thunder to scare them. It was […]
Read MoreThe other afternoon, J and I had overlapping work schedules. Fortunately, we have a very talented babysitter who is happy to help out in just those situations. She’s in high school, child CPR certified, and great with the kids. She showed up at 5pm, which was what J had arranged. I, however, didn’t have to […]
Read MoreI may have mentioned before that I now work from home. My office is on the second floor. Actually, it is the second floor. It’s where I spend most of my days, running Live Oak Games and working on my writing. Every once in a while, however, I get the hankering to see some other […]
Read MoreA few months back, someone asked C (our five year old) who cooked the best Macaroni and Cheese. That was a bit of a silly question. His Nana’s Macaroni and Cheese is legendary. It is – far and away – his favorite food. He talks about it to whoever will listen. I wouldn’t be surprised […]
Read MoreToday’s tale is in the Chronicle. Click here to read it! Terms for Searchers: Mount Dora Art Festival Ice Cream
Read MoreThe kids love the Superfriends. Last year I picked up a DVD with shows from the 70’s animated series, and the kids have been talking about the various super heroes ever since. It has been a while since we’ve watched any of those shows, but this morning C (our five year old) was apparently thinking […]
Read MoreThe other night, the kids and I were all wiped out. With their momma out of town, we were winding up a long few days of adventuring. Unfortunately, it was only 5pm. I can’t put the kids to bed at 5 pm unless they are already asleep. Otherwise, I end up with a battle that […]
Read MoreLike all parents, we continue to fight the battle for politeness. When the kids shout “Water!” we either don’t hear them, or we take the time to give them the third degree until they say “I’m sorry. Could I have some water, please?” At which point, we tell them to get it themselves. The other […]
Read MoreA month or so ago, our three year old made an important discovery. I was in Maryland at the time, talking on the phone with his mom. I could hear him demanding the phone in the background. After a little while of trying to fight it, his mom acquiesced. “Daddy!” He shouted. “Guess what?” “What?” “My […]
Read MoreThe kids are just coming out of a hippopotamus-kiss phase. Hippopotamus kisses are sometimes called “slerberts” or even “fish kisses”. It’s when the child puts their open mouth on someone’s skin and exhales, puffing their cheeks out and making a juicy (and rather disgusting) brrrrpppp noise. As I said, they’re coming out of this phase, […]
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