The kids are very interested in the word “poopie” right now. I’m not sure if this is a phase all kids go through, or if we’re just lucky, but everything is “poopie” this and “poopie” that. Of course, I’m doing everything I can to stop it. We’ve had serious discussions about words that you don’t […]
Read MoreOver the past few months, I’ve become a bit concerned over the lack of strong male role models in C’s TV viewing. There is a distinct lack of men on the shows that he watches, and all those good traditional masculine values (honor, courage, strength, competitiveness, etc.) are sorely under-represented. As much as I enjoy […]
Read MorePsst! Hey you! Yes, you! This tale is over at the Seminole Chronicle. Click here to go there. In the meantime, the keywords for this tale are Psst, Psssst, Mimi’s, and pudding. Enjoy!
Read MoreOne of our prize possessions is a train table. It’s an octagonal thing that stands about 18 inches tall and about four feet across, with bins underneath it for storing stuff. The flat top is covered by a design so it looks like you’re looking down at the countryside. We set up train tracks on […]
Read MoreI hope you’re not reading this while eating. If you are, you might want to wait a bit. It gets rather rude. A few weeks ago, we were sitting at the dinner table when I burped. It was a little thing that just kind of urped out of me. The kids, however, thought it was […]
Read MoreDuring a slow moment during this past vacation, J decided to teach the boys a game. She put both hands behind her back and secretly hid a crumpled up napkin in one of them. Then she held both hands out in front of her, fists closed. “Pick!” C picked a hand, but it was the […]
Read MoreAs a celebration of C’s 4th birthday, we spent this past weekend camping down at Disney. It was a whirlwind of rides and showe and new experiences. During meals, or any other slow downs, we’d typically about talk the things we’d seen and done. It was at one such meal that C announced “I liked […]
Read MoreEvery other week, DaddyTales is carried in the Seminole Chronicle. Rather than duplicate what appears there, I just link to it. Here it is. Keywords for searchers: Alligator smile, moo, R.J. Gator’s. Enjoy!
Read MoreDuring our last vacation, we ran into an interesting problem: we only had one bedroom. This was a problem because at home our bedtime routine splits up after prayer. I take one child to his room, and J takes the other. Where’s the problem? Well, each of the kids gets a lullaby prior to going […]
Read MoreAs parents, it’s a bad idea to compete for your kids’ attention. You really don’t want them to have a favorite parent. However, it’s practically impossible to stop yourself from trying to have a good time with your kids. I mean, they’re your kids. You’re supposed to have a good time with them. Sure, family […]
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