On Sunday, we went shopping. C wasn’t terribly happy about this. He typically likes shopping, but for some reason he was feeling quite cranky and was opposing pretty much everything that was done or said. This is the end of a conversation that C & I had in the car as we were looking for a parking […]
Read MoreAt some point in the past few months, J almost dropped N. Well, not really, but she looked like she was going to. It was one of those things where you’re carrying the infant and you switch from one arm to the other at the same time that he decides to try to fling himself […]
Read MoreA few evenings ago, J, N, and I were playing in the kitchen when C came quietly walking out of his bedroom. He took my hand, whispered "tigers" and led me back to his bedroom. I said "tigers?" and he nodded. So we went to his room. He closed the door behind us without turning […]
Read MoreYesterday morning I came down a little early to join C for breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen, he was sitting at the table with a piece of raisin toast sitting in front of him. J was off doing something else. He had his hands over his eyes and was slowly counting: "1..2…3…4…". I […]
Read MoreAll daddy pride aside, C learned to talk at a very young age. Younger, in fact, than we realized. For example, he apparently learned to say "train video" (his favorite video) privately and in complete isolation. This seems like a good thing, but it ended up working against us. Even back then, C usually finished […]
Read MoreOne of the oddest things about being a parent is hearing your own phrases and mannerisms adopted by your kids. In our case, I have a habit of trying to get C to figure things out himself. If he asks me a question, I’m fairly likely to say "Maybe" followed by the answer and then […]
Read MoreIn addition to the kids, we also have two black labrador retriever mut puppies. If you are unfamiliar with black labs, they have ridiculous amounts of energy. Ours also had a tendency towards nipping. Not biting hard, mind you, just playful little grabs made with their teeth. Needless to say "playful little grabs" are not […]
Read MoreC and N are just starting to get to the point where they can really do battle. Not physically, of course: N still can’t walk, and C outweighs him almost 2 to 1. I’m talking about the battle that siblings all around the world wage every single day. This past weekend, J and her sister […]
Read More[Just a short one today. I’m working feverishly on a Big Upgrade to the site] We’ve been working on potty training C since December. For those without kids, yes, it can take that long. C has no problem using the potty, his problem is that he doesn’t recognize those internal rumblings which tell the rest […]
Read MoreOne of C’s favorite books used to be "Quick as a Cricket". This is simply a board book where each page has an illustration with a single phrase, like "Quick as a Cricket", "Happy as a Lark", "Brave as a Tiger", and so forth. About a year ago we were eating dinner at a family […]
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