There seems to be a dizzying array of activities out there for toddlers to choose from: gymnastics, t-ball, swimming, karate, music… the list goes on and on. Fortunately, many of these have trial days, where you can take your little guy in and see if he likes it. We did this with the boys with […]
Read MoreThere’s a town called Oviedo not too far from where I live. The strange thing about Oviedo is that there are chickens wandering around for no apparent reason. I’m not sure if they raise them and release them, or if there is just a large feral chicken population. At any rate, after eating breakfast at […]
Read MoreTaking toddlers out to a restaurant is an exercise in creative distraction. That’s not something I’ve had too much of a problem with in the past. Now, however, the banging and the singing are starting to lose some of their appeal and I’m having to stretch a little bit more to keep the kiddos engaged […]
Read MoreWe do a lot of singing in our household. This is not because we’re especially talented at it, but more because it’s fun. We’re always drumming, singing, or humming. The songs that I know (mostly classic rock with a heavy does of 80’s movie and TV themes) are significantly different than the songs that they know, so […]
Read MoreAgainst my better judgement, J decided to teach C to go potty standing up. Why do I say against my better judgement? Because he’s just barely tall enough and he’s easily distracted. This is a combination that seems to me like a recipe for disaster. Once she put the idea in his head, however, she quickly […]
Read MoreI’m sure you’re familiar with Victoria’s Secret. If not, it’s a lingerie store with a penchant for displaying mostly naked mannequins in suggestive positions. It’s the sort of store that – if I’m not with my wife – I have to hurry past. Otherwise, I risk looking like one of those creepy guys that don’t hurry […]
Read MoreFriday night, we took the kids and the dogs for a walk on a trail near our house. It’s a nice paved trail that is frequented by cyclists, roller bladers, and walkers. In the evening, however, traffic dies down a bit and it’s perfect for families. We go about a mile up and then turn […]
Read MoreIn case you haven’t guessed it yet, when I’m out with the kids I don’t tend to worry too much about appearances. For me, it’s more about having a good time with the kids and getting through whatever errands I have to run with a minimum of tears and stress. One of the days during […]
Read MoreEven though C is potty trained, he still doesn’t always admit when he has to go. We have to remind and sometimes even argue with him to get him to go. This isn’t terribly unusual from what I’ve heard and seen with other 3 year olds. The other morning, I had a protracted argument with him […]
Read MoreNot too long ago, we were coming back from an afternoon birthday party and decided to stop for some Greek food. It was a spur of the moment thing. J loves Greek food, and this was a restaurant which we’d never been to but had been much recommended. The kids were both awake but pleasantly […]
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