I’m as much into “imaginative play” as the next person. Sometimes, it can get a little carried away, though. The other day I stuck my head in to see why C was taking so long in the bathroom. “Everything okay?” He looked at me, appearing to be on the verge of tears, “Oh no!” I’ve […]
Read MoreThe other day J was on the phone in the bedroom when the boys started leading me on a new game they were developing. It consisted of sneaking around the house until one or the other of them shouted “Oh no! A mean troll!”. At which point, we’d all yell and run back to a […]
Read MoreThanks to certain battle that happened during our first visit to Sea World, it was over a year before we went back. When we went finally did return, C was just a few months shy of 3 years old. 3 years old is a very important point in a child’s development. It’s the point at which […]
Read MoreWith C, the terrible twos came early – right around 18 months, actually. With his little brother, therefore, we’ve been hoping that maybe they wouldn’t be so “terrible”. The other night at dinner, however, I think we may have seen their beginning. The boys were being bad with a capital B. I managed to bring the older brother […]
Read MoreAbout two years ago, C and I were taking a walk when he suddenly had something important to tell me. I knew it was important because he stopped, looked up at me, and said in a very serious voice, “Daddy.” I stopped too. We were, after all, holding hands. “Yes?” “I love pink.” “Ah. Okay.” […]
Read MoreOne of the problems with taking toddlers to an amusement park is dealing with the lines. A 20 minute wait to get on a ride is no big deal for adults, but it seems like forever to a 4 year old. Sometimes it seems like that to a dad too. Disney has the added challenge […]
Read MoreOne of the big lessons we’ve worked on with the kids is saying “I’m sorry” when they do something that hurts someone else. It seems like a good idea, but now I’m starting to wonder if we’ve gone a little too far. The other day N jumped off the ottoman on to the couch. His […]
Read MoreA couple years ago, we hit on what is perhaps the easiest game in the world: making faces. All you do is make a face and ask the other person to guess what your expression is. There’s no score. You just take turns making faces. Angry face, happy face, sad face, confused face, and so on. […]
Read MoreAs I may have mentioned before, we have two big lab mutts. By “big”, I mean that that each dog is a bit over 70 lbs. These are not the “lie down and loll around labs” that you may have encountered. These are the “look, we can stand on our back feet and hop straight […]
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