Somewhere in the past few years, my oldest son stopped dancing. I’m not exactly sure when or why, but I noticed it a few weeks back as we were watching the end of Madagascar. Madagascar, in case you haven’t seen it, ends with the song “I Like to move it, move it!” It’s a get-off-the-couch-and-dance sort […]
Read MoreAt our church, the kids go to Sunday school during the services. I’m not a big fan of this (I’d rather go to church with my kids), but after a season of rebellion I gave in to the peer pressure. My wife took a more proactive approach. She now teaches at their Sunday school. Even better, […]
Read MoreAs we were sitting down at a restaurant the other day, the server said. “Thank you, your server’s name is Sarah. She’ll be here in just a moment.” For some reason, the idea of knowing the server’s name before she showed up struck me as funny. I leaned across the table to the boys. “Hey, […]
Read MoreAs I was driving the family to a park the other evening, our youngest decided to draw a picture. I pulled into the parking lot, and pushed the button to open the minivan doors. “Okay, everybody out!” “Wait, wait! I drew you a picture!” The little guy waved a piece of paper at me. I […]
Read MoreMy wife pulled her hamstring a few weeks back. She didn’t know how, but she spent the next couple weeks afterwards re-injuring it. It seemed like every time she stood up or tried to move quickly, she was grabbing her leg and yelling “ow!” One evening during this tender time for her, the four of […]
Read MoreLast night, the kids decided to give me a haircut. They have a toy barber kit, complete with combs, spray bottle, mirror, plastic scissors that don’t actually cut, and fake razors. I sat down in front of the couch, and they set to work. After ten minutes of spraying, combing, styling, and cutting, my youngest […]
Read MoreSome time ago, for reasons I’m not really sure of, I adopted the Army’s shout of “Hooah!” I don’t think I use it the same way they do, though. For me, it’s a victory shout to use after I succeed at something exceedingly unlikely. Like when I get a strike in Wii Bowling, for example. […]
Read MoreToday’s tale is in the Seminole Chronicle. Click here to read it! Terms for Searchers: Oviedo Mall, train, Sheesh, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
Read MoreWeirdly, my switch to working out of my home office has caused the boys to become more aware of my work instead of less. In retrospect, this makes sense. Even though I see them more often, me being home and working upstairs keeps me much more in their awareness than when I was at an office. […]
Read MoreLast Saturday was a weird juxtaposition of days for the family. I had loads of lawn work to catch up on, which meant it was a work day for me. Our oldest, however, had thrown up on Friday, so it was a rest day for the kids while we tried to figure out if he was […]
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