Even though C is potty trained, he still doesn’t always admit when he has to go. We have to remind and sometimes even argue with him to get him to go. This isn’t terribly unusual from what I’ve heard and seen with other 3 year olds. The other morning, I had a protracted argument with him […]
Read MoreThe other day I was walking past the baby gate when I noticed C in the den, taking his pants off. For those that don’t know, when your toddler has just completed potty training, this is a moment for fast action. There’s no telling whether he has to go potty, whether he’s forgotten where he […]
Read MoreNot too long ago, we were coming back from an afternoon birthday party and decided to stop for some Greek food. It was a spur of the moment thing. J loves Greek food, and this was a restaurant which we’d never been to but had been much recommended. The kids were both awake but pleasantly […]
Read MoreSo the other day C comes running into the kitchen where I was doing the dishes, “daddy, daddy!” Yes? “I have a rash!” Oh, I’m sorry. Where? “Yes. It’s on my neck. I’m very sad. I have a rash.” I kneel down to see while he shakes his head mournfully. Then his brother appears, running […]
Read MoreWe watched Tarzan (the Disney version) a couple weeks ago during movie night. It was, all things considered, a bit of a mistake. Some of those scenes were awfully darned scary for a 3 year old and a one year old. Nonetheless, C now loves Tarzan. In fact, he frequently announces “I’m Tarzan!” When his […]
Read MoreThis evening, as we were eating dinner, a moth flew up to flutter against the sliding glass door next to our table. C pointed it out first (”Look! A butterfly!”) but N was quick to spot it and take up the cry. Their momma decided to take this opportunity to try to explain the differences between […]
Read MoreBedtime is getting to be quite the bizarre occasion. The other night as I was carrying N to bed, he and his momma decided to blow kisses to each other. Blowing kisses is pretty easy. You kiss the palm of your hand, then blow the kiss off the hand and towards the other person. In […]
Read MoreAs I’ve mentioned before, N generally goes to bed without any problems at all. In fact, the routine is so easy that I’m starting to get a little bored with it. It’s not that I’m looking for a fight, mind you – just something a little more interesting. The other night I decided to try […]
Read MoreC is getting to the point where he really, really doesn’t want to take naps. However, his body is used to them. So around 3pm every day, he gets both determined and sleepy. This combination makes for odd moods. Yesterday, I walked in on C crying to his mom. Well, he seemed to be crying. […]
Read MoreWhat do you call your grandparents? To my kids, my mother is “Nana” and my father is “Grampa”. Grampa is currently called “gumpa” by N, just as he used to be called that by C when he was younger. He’s fine with that. We have some friends who call their grandparents “Groty and Grungy”. No, […]
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