The kids go to a pre-school that is associated with a church. This isn’t that unusual. Most preschools around here are associated with churches. Sometimes, however, it leads to strangeness. Yesterday, while I was in the kitchen cooking dinner (and my wife was taking her traditional Mother’s Day nap), I heard the following little tune come […]
Read MorePerhaps the biggest question of our family right now is exactly what sort of creature Goofy is. It has long been my contention that Goofy is *not* a dog. That he is, in fact, his own creature. The rest of my family rarely agrees with me on this, and it has led to meany long […]
Read MoreThis past weekend, the kids went to a birthday party with J. When they returned, they had huge inflatable swords. The things were about four feet long – taller than either of the kids. We inflated them, of course, and had ourselves a battle. I was a Giant with a shield (pillow) and a rather scary […]
Read MoreBoth of the boys love to perform. If you hand either one of them anything that looks even vaguely like a microphone, they’ll hold it up and start right in. Sometimes they sing. Sometimes they tell stories. But they always start out by imitating an announcer: “Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, and next we have…” […]
Read MoreToday’s tale was in the Chronicle (last Friday): You can find it by clicking here. Keywords for Searchers: Sandfire Grill, banging, poke
Read MoreWe had an interesting new chapter in the ongoing war of food a couple of weeks ago. It was dinner time and J had made chicken vindaloo on the grill. Or is that vindaloo chicken? I don’t know. In any case, while it was very tasty, neither of the boys were willing to try it. […]
Read MoreDespite our history, we still enjoy tapping on the table. In fact, lately I’ve been experimenting with the power of suggestion. This past Sunday, I was really hoping to take a nap. The weather was absolutely perfect for stretching out in the hammock and letting the world slip by. The boys, however, weren’t displaying even the […]
Read MoreToday’s Tale is in the Chronicle. Click Here to Read It! I’m not a big fan of the title the Chronicle gave this tale, but it still works. Keywords: Walk, Toad, thumb,
Read MoreThere’s a monthly ritual in our neighborhood called “Girls Night Out.” You’re probably familiar with this concept. The idea is for all the women to leave their husbands and children behind so they can go out drinking together [Edit: See my comment below]. The other night was just such a night. Because our driveway is […]
Read MoreDue to one reason or another, the kids took overly long naps the other day. This seems like a good thing, but it’s not. It always leads to a very difficult bedtime. This time was no exception. C simply wasn’t sleepy. After being put to bed, he kept re-emerging with new reasons why he had to stay […]
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