A few years back, right around the time that C was turning 1, I started calling him “little guy.” I’m not really sure why. It just sort of became a nickname that I used for him. Then his little brother was born, and I found myself with two “little guy”s. That seemed like a bad […]
Read MoreToday’s Tale is in the Seminole Chronicle. Click here to read it! Keywords for Searchers: Animal Kingdom, Pocahontas, show, set up, shushed
Read MoreI was driving the kids some place the other day, when they started talking about what they wanted to be when they grow up. It was the usual assortment of professions: truck driver, fireman, astronaut, architect, and so forth. After he said “astronaut,” however, C paused for a few moments and then asked “do you […]
Read MoreI can’t count the number of times I’ve been out with the kids and one of them has said something inappropriate about a stranger walking by. This is understandable but still awkward. When the kids see someone unusual, they want to tell me about it. Of course, few people like to have their unusualness pointed out. […]
Read MoreMy Father’s Day story from 2005 is still probably in the top 20 most popular tales I’ve written. This year’s Father’s Day effort is, rather tragically, quite different. At church this past Father’s Day, I was in charge of our two year old. I should probably stop calling him that. He’s going to be three […]
Read MoreThis is an obscure one, unless you’ve watched Mary Poppins as much as we have. At one point during that movie, Mary and the kids all have to take their medicine. When Mary pours the medicine out of the bottle, it’s a different color and flavor for each person. The kids are startled and exclaim […]
Read MoreMore and more, the kids are wanting to be center-stage. Last Valentine’s Day we had a funny moment with C. He wanted to do the bedtime prayer. Usually, our bedtime prayer is a simple thing that we either say together or alternate lines on. At the end, everyone says who they want to bless (ala […]
Read MoreYesterday, I decided that I’d try to write something touching for Memorial Day. Unfortunately, when I sat down to try to write it, I had a really tough time. It’s hard for me to not get political when writing about the military, and that’s not what today is about. Eventually, I gave up. Last night, […]
Read MoreOne of our family activities is taking a walk around the neighborhood in the evenings. It’s really a lot of fun. Not only does everyone get some exercise, but we also get to stop and chat with the neighbors. Sometimes, we have other kids join us for our walk as we go. Since the neighborhood […]
Read MoreOver the years, we have accumulated quite a few of those wooden “Thomas the Train Engine” trains. Nonetheless, the kids have their favorites. If I’m in the room with them, this can be a problem. They turn to me to resolve every little dispute over who gets to play with which engine or train car. […]
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